Thursday, May 28, 2009

Associates of Arts Degree

Okay, so I now have officially finished my Associates of Arts degree and it only took me three years. Everyone tells me that I did something to be proud of however, I do not feel like I have accomplished much. Yeah this degree has shown me that I am capable of completing school and doing anything I want to, if I set my mind to it. However, other than that I don’t see what this degree did. It’s not like I can really do anything with this degree. It’s just a piece of paper to me and I can’t get excited over it. I am a history major and I want to teach college. I won’t be able to start teaching until I get my masters and that looks like it is going to be five or six years away. Hopefully, I can shorten that time frame to four and a half years but I not sure if I will be able but that's beside the point . This degree is just a stepping-stone. Can anyone relate to how I look at this degree?

Associates of Arts Degree

Okay, so I now have officially finished my Associates of Arts degree and it only took me three years. Everyone tells me that I did something to be proud of however, I do not feel like I have accomplished much. Yeah this degree has shown me that I am capable of completing school and doing anything I want to, if I set my mind to it. However, other than that I don’t see what this degree did. It’s not like I can really do anything with this degree. It’s just a piece of paper to me and I can’t get excited over it. I am a history major and I want to teach college. I won’t be able to start teaching until I get my masters and that looks like it is going to be five or six years away. Hopefully, I can shorten that time frame to four and a half years but I not sure if I will be able but that's beside the point . This degree is just a stepping-stone. Can anyone relate to how I look at this degree?

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Last night I went to Borders to pick of a copy of Jessica Valenti new book "The Purity Myth" hoping they had a copy because usually they never have the books I want. This is another reason I dislike borders. And how the store is set up, the woman's study section where the book is located is right across from the sex section (go figure). Well it a Friday night and who do you think is blocking my way about six or seven teens. I asked them to move so I could see if Borders has the book. They did so graciously. Well as I am looking, and trying to ignore them I heard some of their conversation. They were looking at picture of sex books and talking about how they shouldn’t be in this section. One girl even stated, “I’m going to have go to church Sunday” and this brought about when all of them go to church. Another girl she was now going to go to the Christian section like it would absolve her for sinning. As this was going was going on I was thinking wow this is what teens think just looking at sex books makes them need to be absolved by going to church. It was also ironic that I was picking up a copy of a book that is about how our “Obsession with Virginity Is Hurting America’s Young Women.” Ya know sex is dirty and we shouldn’t even think about it (oh unless you are thinking about your wedding night with your husband) and if you do you are not normal or are a sinner. It is sad that the only way our youth learn about sex is by looking at pictures and feeling guilty while doing it. This is thanks to abstinence only education. Thank you patriarchy.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Yeah for Iowa

This is gonna be short and sweet because I have to go to work but this has made my day.
Iowa has just ruled that their states ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional according to Yeah for them. This is one step closer to the goal for all people to be allowed to marry if they so wish too. here is the link:

Saturday, March 21, 2009


I am so glad spring is here.... and then my favorite season SUMMER!!!  The picture is one I took while I was driving around that past week while visiting my family in the country. I enjoyed great weather while the entire time I was there; it makes me crave summer. I cannot wait until this semester is over and I get to go home for the summer. There is just something about the country that I love and cannot get over. I have found there is no other place like the boondocks where I grew up. No other place compares to it. There is just something about sitting outside on the front porch listen to the frogs and crickets looking up at the stars, counting the cars go by and having a conversation with a good friend. However, it is not truly just the place but it is the people there, who love me no matter what. It's always good to catch up with my family and friends when I go home although we talk on the phone it just not the same as having a face to face conversation. 

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Okay a couple of days ago I was on my favorite blog feministing and came across the article "What's Wrong with Rednecks?". This article struck me because I'm a redneck. I like bull riding, Nascar, country music and front porch sittin or anything else that people would normally associate with being from the country.
When I moved away to go to college is when I first really noticed that some people look down on others for being uncouth. The first year and a half I was away at college I worked hard to fully pronounce my words like going instead of goin and drop the words like yall and rig. I can remember the first time I said "yall" when I was out with a bunch of friends. They gave me so much crap. After a year and a half I came to the realization that I'm happy that I a redneck and where I came from and am not going to change anything about me because people may not like it. I'm gonna be proud that I had BBQ for Thanksgiving dinner that was grilled on a grill that was sitting on a old tire rim and the other one was in the wheel barrel. Any way where else but the country can you sit on the front porch drink tea and count the cars go by for entertainment and hear about it from all your neighbors?

Monday, February 16, 2009


Ok so i've had this blog for a little under a year and have posted very little before I deleted all my posts. I have decided Im going to start posting or a semi-regular/ regular basis. The topics posted will probably be random at best. Some posts will be my rambling, rants and even a few coherent intellectual writings. Feel free to criticize my writings in any way but I will not tolerate people using hate speech or personal attacks. Constructive criticism is good because it is the only to improve my writing or rethink what and how I wrote something and it will hopefully bring about a good conversation.